Tag Archives: jewelry

Fantastic Plastic | DIY Jewelry Tier

1Lately, I’ve been super interested in re-purposing plastic bottles, so for the sake of sounding fancy we’ll just say this is Part Two of my “Plastic Bottle Series”. I can hear the professional undertones now. 😉

Ladies, we all know that acrylic bathroom accessories are all the rage. A lesson in pop culture: Sherri Blossom Ice Box’s are the Acrylic Organizers for the super stars! Did you even know there was such a thing? If you’ve ever (shamefully) seen the Kardashian’s makeup organizers on their counters, they are this brand, and they run up to $415.00 a piece! The Container Store even has some acrylic jewelry organizers for as much as $119.00. Save your money, read my blog, and get the trendy look of an acrylic jewelry organizer at almost absolutely NO cost.

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