Tag Archives: table setting

Cheep, Cheep, CHEAP | Easter DIY Ideas

Spring cleaning is for amateurs. I instead have been making a good, old fashioned, crafty mess! But in doing so, I have come up with some fun Easter DIYs. Check ’em out.


I’m no goose, but I literally have a Golden Egg for you. (By the way, have you read the story “The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg”? Google it. Interesting perspective on greed and haste.) Dying hardboiled eggs is the original Easter craft. There are many ways to spruce up your eggs, but I guarantee none are easier than this. Buy temporary tattoos intended for humans, and put them on the eggs. That’s it! When shopping I stumbled upon Metallic Tattoos and thought I’d give it a go. I love the way my Golden Eggs turned out!

Rustic and minimal is very popular, so I tried a few eggs with that style too. They turned out so natural, and kind of peaceful in a way, with the Easter messages written right on the egg. I had many people on instagram ask if the eggs are real – yes!

easterJPGThese plate ornaments are just as easy, and add just as much drama to your spring brunch table. Often when we order takeout, the plasticware ends up not being used, so we save it. Here is a great way to finally use those old spoons. Break the heads off and hot glue them together in the center. I then used a magenta marker to color a styrofoam ball, and placed that in the center of my spoon flower. I plucked a pretty leaf from my yard to add some greenery.

The second plate ornaments are paint sample Easter eggs. I printed an egg shape from the computer to use as a stencil and cut them out from the paint samples. I love the fun and joy these little crafts bring to a table setting. I hope you find some inspiration from these easy DIYs and SPRING into action. 😉 xoxo